Creating Wealth and Wellbeing through Infrastructure Delivery
Delivering a significant improvement in economic wealth and wellbeing within organisations and local commumnities

Towards Purpose and Meaning
What we do
Lumus was formed as a collaborative initiative to create more economic growth and wellbeing through infrastructure delivery. It entails a systemic end-to-end value chain approach, driven by trained internal champions. The business outcome is a significant improvement in profitability, responsiveness, job satisfaction and competitiveness.
Wellbeing and sustainability are key drivers, funded by a substantial financial business case. In other words, the initiative pays for itself while having a major impact on wellbeing and sustainability.
What we deliver
Highly participative systemic review of the end-to-end process that delivers a significant improvement in alignment and collaboration across teams and organisations;
Training and on-site support services that deliver the internal skill-set and capability for organisations to continually improve alignment and performance;
The underlying monitoring systems and coordination services to support implementation for large-scale initiatives.
Value proposition
A substantial improvement in the economic performance of organisations to pay better dividends and salaries;
An improvement in the competitiveness and revenue of construction firms and alliances, based on cost, delivery reliability and local economic development;
A better business case for infrastructure-owner organisations to deliver more infrastructure with the same budged
Providing significantly better quality and rewarding jobs.