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Who we serve ....

Alliances & Partnerships


Construction programmes are increasingly delivered through a collaboration of organisations, where alignment is a key driver.   This has been a global trend and underpins a significant improvement in delivery risk, cost and responsiveness.  The Lumus solution is ideal to improve business integration which not only improves performance but it also greatly affects the ability of alliances to compete for new work due to the significant impact this also has on local economic development and the wellbeing of local communities. In addition to operational performance, wellbeing and sustainability are key elements of modern client requirements.


Infrastructure owner organisations (typically local government, government-owned organisations or large corporates) seek to optimise all parties' value, including the long-term value to the local community.   Wellbeing often makes up between 20% to 30% of modern tender requirements.  Whereas this is usually seen as a cost of doing business, the Lumus solution-set provides a platform where the cost reductions through productivity improvements across the alliance network is significantly more that then cost of maximising the wellbeing impact on the local community.  It is, therefore, a win-win solution-set for all players, including the local community and labour.  It thereby significantly affects the competitiveness of alliances to win work as it significantly affects cost, delivery reliability, working relationships and wellbeing, which are the core requirements of modern tenders.


The solution-set is particularly suitable for the following types of alliances:

  • Where collaboration and alignment are crucial;

  • The impact on wellbeing is non-negotiable;

  • Organisations are willing to work together, which includes reviewing processes, practices and to jointly seek ongoing improvement areas, and

  • Where the participating organisations ideally share on a joint risk-reward basis in cost and delivery improvement initiatives.


Value proposition

  • A significant improvement in short- and long-term cost and delivery performance;

  • An improvement in project management frustrations through improved alignment, visibility and better performing local sub-contractors;

  • A significant and sustainable impact on wellbeing through improved spend on local companies and economic capacity development within the local community;

  • Improved levels of motivation through the introduction of more modern and participating practices, and

  • An improvement in the competitiveness of alliances to compete for more work, with improved profit margins.



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